Mary Magdalene Work

Window in
St. Baume

Magdalene Messages on the Pathway of Peace

All Worlds’ Publishing is offering pertinent and important messages from Mary Magdalene, as it is imperative that we begin to remember who we are, why we are here and act more fully from a place of Honoring Life. We offer these at no cost, and request that you give back to us as you are able as an exchange of energy. Magdalene is offering understandings that have not been spoken before, opening us to receive secret teachings, and requesting that we show up as Emissaries of Light.

We hope that you find benefit from these very clear and rare discussions on how we can bring our honoring to the world.

Writers and Readers Budapest Magdalene Channeling 2020

Honoring Life through the Secret Place of Knowing Within

We are grateful for all donations to support translations that are in progress around the world, honoring the work of Magdalene.

Thank You!

Writers and Readers Magdalene Channeling Audio MP3

Writers and Readers Magdalene Channeling Transcript